Thursday 21 December 2006

Broken for the moment

Broken for the moment

Your life,
Has no clue
Of his destiny

At this time
Everything looks destroyed
Nothing has lasted
What you have built

In your eyes
Nothing what was once
One piece
Looks now torn apart

You’re life is broken
The same for your spirit
Love is gone out of your life
And you’re feeling it deep in your heart

Nothing what was
Is now the same
Everything has changed
In it’s disadvantage

You think it’s couldn’t be worse
That all the sorrow has come over you
That there is nothing anymore to take from you
You think that it is the end of your world

But even when you not now
A new light appears at the horizon
You may not see it
But non the less, it’s still there

So, what I say to you
Lift your broken spirit
Shine like you did before
And you will rise above your former glory

Yes, everything will change again
Yes, nothing would be the same as before
With your spirit no longer broken
You will achieve your wonderful aims.

RvG 21/12/06

Tuesday 19 December 2006

Ver van hier

deze is ff snel, zonder inspiratie, zonder concentrstie in de les geschreven, omda k ff moest bewijzen dat k voor mn opdracht nederlands (gedichten schrijven) niet zomaar van internet heb geplukt (naast deze site natuurlijk:P), maar zelf heb geschreve;) ook meteen een ander 'rijmschema', omdat deze iets korter is.

Ver van hier

Hier ver vandaan
een land
vol vreugd en vree
leefden mensen

niet zomaar mensen
zoals van hier
maar anders
vol van gedachtes
maar niet van hier

ze denken anders
lichtzinnig maar toch wijs
positief maar toch ruimdenkend
oftewel, vol met prachtige gedachtes

die gedachtes
komen uit
eens per jaar
komen die gedachtes op aard
in de nacht van kerstmis

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Hoop verwacht

nog een van de nederlandse gedichten, niej de mooiste, mja;)

Hoop verwacht

In deze tijden
Ver van huis
Ver van je wortels
Beef je van angst

Je moet maar door
Verder van huis
Nog verder van je wortels
Ga je door

Langs de rivieren
Over de paden
Door het bos
Ga je verder

In deze tijden
Ver van huis
Ver van je wortels
Zoek je naar iets

Iets waaraan je je kan vast pakken
In deze donkere periode
Waar je je kracht van haalt
In deze donkere tijd

Plots zie je het
Dat sprankelende lichtje vol hoop
Daar boven aan de hemel
In de donkere nacht

Het geeft je hoop
Kracht om door te zetten
Verder te gaan
Met een goed gevoel

Het geeft je hoop
Om terug te gaan
Naar de plek
Die je eens je thuis noemde

RvG 12/1206

Diep in het bos

nog een gedicht van nederlandse opdracht, niet de mooiste, maar tja hij is int nederlands he;)

Diep in het bos

Daar diep in het bos
Ver weg van alles
Vind je
Wat er te verwachten valt

Tussen de donkere bomen
Spelen kleine lichtjes
Door de vele bladeren heen
Op de grond

De lichtjes springen van de ene
Naar de andere kant
Als de bomen schudden
De wind waait

Ver weg van alles
Zie je geen ziel die je kent
Alleen maar ogen
Aan jouw onbekend

Kleine diertjes lopen rond
Kijken je aan met hun kleine ogen
Zien wat voor ons klein is groot
En wij zijn reuzen

Het diertje kruipt bang weg
Achter een of andere tak
Bedekt met een verrot blaadje
Weg uit jouw ogen

De wind speelt met de kleine blaadjes
Kleine takjes
En laat zijn vreugde horen
Door het razen tussen de bomen

Hoewel er veel gebeurd
Daar diep in het bos
Vind je daar
Altijd jouw rust

RvG 12/12/06

Thursday 7 December 2006

Diep in het hart

M'n opdracht voor Nederlands, ik moest gaan dichten in het Nederlands, nouw, hopelijk ist gelukt;) aan jou te oordelen;)

Diep in het hart

Diep in het hart
Zit een bijzondere plek
Een plek dat niemand anders beter kent
Dan jezelf

Soms vraag ik me af
Hoe goed ken ik die plek?
Wat zit daar allemaal verstopt?
Hoe krijg ik het er uit?

Maar weer aan de andere kant
Wat zou daar kunnen zitten?
Is het bedoeld om eruit te komen?
Of hoort het voor eeuwig daar te blijven zitten?

In plaats van het te accepteren
Zoek ik wat het zou kunnen zijn
Wat mijn hart in twijfel stort
Steeds dieper en dieper

Dan kom ik op die plek aan
Ik weet nu wat er zit
Welk geheim er zit
Ik zal het je vertellen

Aan het eind van m’n zoektocht
Zie ik wat daar diep van binnen zit
Ik heb het er zelf gebracht
De twijfels over mijn eigen hart

RvG 7/12/06

Monday 4 December 2006

Sailing away

heb dit liedje in mn hoofd, sail away van the rasmus. geeft wel wat inspriratie voor een volgend gedicht;)

Sailing away

Sail away
to the darkness
futher and futher
until you see the light anymore

With courage you sail to it
bravery in your heart
you want to show it
by continuing this journey

Once was a time
the courage still hidden
don't attempting to come out
but now

Now you want to show it
show what you're made of
by sailing away from the light
into the darkness

It's calling your name
deep in side you
but is seems
that it comes from the darkness

The ones that love you
are calling behind you
but you can't hear
you are already to far away

but it seems
after century's
that the journey wil take
more than only your lifetime

slowly the voicy's will sound harder
you begin to listen
to what they say
that you've proved your courage
that's in your heart

you listen to them
you want to return
so you sail away
again, but now at the opposite direction

but the journey back
is even hard as the way to that darkness
but when you look up
there you will find hope, love

It are the moon and stars
that sends you the voices
of your beloved friend
and wants to show you the way

the wind turns
your spirit lifted
with this new cours
you sail away

rvg 4/12/2006

Sunday 3 December 2006

Sun rising

m'n nieuwste gedicht, een korte deze keer, 't zal een van de vele gedichten zijn waarin ik de prachtige maan en nacht prijs en de dag iets minder neer zet;)

Sun rising

for some
it's a miracle
for some
it's hope in their hearts
for me
means that the beauty of the night has passed

Every day I wonder
I hope
that when the day passes
A new moon rises

It's a symbol for hope
It gives you strenght in dark times
when the night falls
she will be the light in my live

With her stars
she images the sky
brings beauty to this world
and his people

but when the suns rises
the moon will be gone
the sun shines at the horizon
and I will wait until the next night

RvG 3/12/06

The Empty Space

The empty space

now a time has come
full of doubt and insurance
you want to let your thoughts
to sail away

far away
to the dept of the sea
into that darkness
there when you look up you see light

light, that is hiding in your heart
not attempting to go out
it wants to stay
hidden for other lights

it's been away to long
you've lost hope
to see it again
in that empty space

but, when it not comes out
and that space remains empty
it will fill itself
with other things

things, that you've hidden
things, that you don't want that
they to come out
things, that always must be hidden

in these times
you seek power
power to seek
what you have lost
in the times therefore

but the search
that you have started
ends, when you lose hope
when you don't find the power
than it's to late
the things, you've hated, those were hidden
will come outand the empty space won't be empty anymore...

RvG 3/12/06

We shall wait, ready for battle

We shall wait, ready for battle

I stand there
With no one at my side
Not assure
What the future has to offer
For us
In this world
My general is coming
To say what I fear
That the enemy has come
And that she is not in our sight

The men are scared, sire
Fear what will happen to them
What must we do, young prince?
Make ourselves ready for death?

No, I said
She will come
Victory shall be ours
We shall wait and make ourselves ready
For a battle
Witch will amaze the world for centuries

If that are your orders
Then we shall follow them
To this battle brings death
My lord
While is general is shouting
That we must stand ready for battle
A doubt troubles my mind
Of her coming
Still we stand out there
Before the enemy
My men are massacred
Line by line
Men by men
No hope for life nor victory
The enemy is ruthless
Don’t caring about our doubts

At the last moment
The surround me
My men dead around me
Waiting for the final stroke

But then, at the horizon
She stands there
Saving my soul
And my life
Of the eternal darkness
That was coming
Remaining my soul in doubt forever

RVG 30/4

My Love Within

dit is een heel bijzonder gedicht, dit is 't (eerste) gedicht dat ik aan olga gaf

My love within

My eyes
Always looking
Never rests
Until they find you

My heart
Always in pain
Each moment
Wenn you’re not here

My soul
Wanders alone
In the dark
Until it finds you

My eyes don’t need rest anymore
My heart released himself from all his pain
My soul has found the light in darkness
By finding you

And the only that you do
Is standing there
Only that brings so much beauty
Bringing such joy into my live

You come near
Step for step
My heart rages
Like I never heart before

Thougts disappear
Like the words in my mouth
You look to me
It’s like a curse is lifted

My soul is free
The curse is gone
But a new one is in place
That will only last a couple of seconds

Then you’re gone
Darkness surrounds me
The curse is back again
No intention of leaving

The light in my heart is gone
Leaving only one good thing behind
Hope to see you again
Within my heart

And there
It is born
And shall remain
My love within for you

The Shade of...

The shade of……

I walk
In peace
Full of rest
No things at my mind

Trough a forest
Passing threes with every step
Wandering with no idee
Where this leads to

A endless road it seems
Countless miles
With no end
Like life itself

I begin to see
It troubles mine mind
Strange shades
They are wathcing me

One by one
They began to reveal themself
These strange shades
They are shades of mine life

The good moment
They are not rare
Neither are the bad
These memory’s

But the good and the bad
That feelings
Are nothing
Compare to one

Large is this shade
Not like any other
Growing larger
With every second I look to it

Then I begin to realise
The truth behind the shade
That shade represent
Only one thing of me

Because it’s not like any other
Her beauty cannot by ignored
Mine first look nto her eyes
Binds our 2 forever

I can’t explane it
This link between our souls
It’s scares me
It’s making me run

Father, father I go
On this nerverending road
How harder I go
How faster this shade goes

Why does it follow me?
Fot what reason?
Why is it hinting my steps

The road goes on
The forest beside me
Grows thicker
Wirh erevy moment that pass

How long am I running?
It seems a eternety
I grow tired
But this shade is restless

Mine strenght weakens
Trying to use my last powers
But there are non left
I fall into darkness

Not long after
The shade appears
I’am so tired
I want to close my eyes

To close mine eyes
To leave this earth
For the shade comes
To suck the last hope out of me

But I was wrong
The shade appears
Showing her beauty
To me

This shade
Where I was running for
My holl life
Reveals herself to me

It opens mine eyes
I see
A beauty
I never seen before

All mine pain
My weakness
My hope comes back to me

There’s no way out
I must confess
Gathering my last hope
To say this

My holl live
I sufferd
I fled
For you

The love of my live
I finally see it
Hopefully I am not to late
To love you….

rvg 07/02

Our Hope In Live

Our Hope In Live

To much tears
To mush suffer
Harms our world
It´s people

Afraid of the future
No insurance
What will hapen next
But is coming our way

That we know
It´s coming
Bringing more suffer
In this afraid world

Silently it comes
But not for us
We know now what will hapen
But still we are afraid

Afraid for this
Our courage
Weakens every day
When we spend a day on this world

When will the times come
We show our greatest enemy
That we are not afraid
And shall fight until the end

But for that we need a weapon
Powerfull like no other
Wich is in our crasp
To show our courage

Is it hope?
One of our greatest strenght
Of us, mankind
Is it?

What then?
What will help us
To conquer our fear
Who knows?

I can tell you
The importants thing in our live
The strongest weapon
Wich none can stop

It´s one thing
Deep in your heart
In both of us
Beneath the secrets of live

It controls us
Dont lie t yourself
You know what it is
Come, show it to us

Show your strenght
Our courage shall stand
So long this stands forever
Our love

The love
That binds us to eternety
Connects our hearts
It will be our hope

In this live
And the next
To conquer our fear
In the name of love


Eternal love

Eternal love

this union
between you and me
i's not just a word
it's love

love makes you strong
stronger then you will ever be
courage and strenght
comes with love

I endure pain
fire and deah
fo just one thing
my love for you

In live or death
it shall never die
whatever happens
our love is eternal

it goes beyond live
forever bound to each other
holding like on other thing
no one break it

it gives us hope
lika a star in a dark night
when I look into your eyes
that's what's giving me hope

because you and me
are made for each other
defending ours weakness
revealing our strenght

and that strenght is love
our love
It goes beyond mortal ways
this love shall never die

to the end of the world
we shall have our love
in heart and soul
our eternal love

Last resistance

last resistance

fire acros the lands
no one to save you
it's burning everything in his path
no one can stop it

it causes pain
among the people
pain and dead
among the people

no one can escape this doem
this fate
no longer hiding in shadow
now revealing for the world

it is heading on
not only men
also other live
no one can stop it

fear in the heart of live
no one offers resistants
no one stands his ground
the fire is going on

still it's heading on
if no one stops it
it destroys the world
when no one stops it

but at the end of the world
there were a few who offert resistans
there at the end of the world they fought
for the ashes of the world

their fight continues
a impossible task
not a task for men
but for gods

but they stood there
one by one the felt
until a few stands

and at that moment
when every one thought it was over
the world has come to an end
hope reveals itself

not in just words
not in pain
but at the sky
that was burning

through smoke and ashes
the smell of dead
a single star stood there
wathing over them

at that moment they all know
that they can't lose
with the stars watching over them
and they contiuned their resistance


Bringer of her light

dit is m'n eerste gedicht dat ik in deze vorm schreef (in m'n vrije tijd, uit vrije wil)

Bringer of her light

She has her own will
No one can take that away
Not me, not you
It shall always be hers

Wen I look into her eyes is see
Her will, strong and wild
Not tempered by the sound of music
That only makes her stronger

Her will is like the stars
Beautiful, full of love and brightness
The love of the stars to her
Shall make her will stronger

Not even darkness can stop this
Because there is always light
Even wen she doesn’t see it
The light shall always shine

No more pain can bring the night
Not if we love the stars
No more suffer can bring the night
Because love is the night

We are all child’s of the stars
You and me
No one can deny it
Not you, not me

Wen we see no other way
In darkness I say
Look up, wen we see no other way
The stars shall give their love

Don’t doubt
Of the ways of the stars
The stars shall give you a path
Only if you follow it

And if the stars stop watching over us
Then we are not here anymore
We shall close our eyes
And darkness surround us