Sunday 3 December 2006

Bringer of her light

dit is m'n eerste gedicht dat ik in deze vorm schreef (in m'n vrije tijd, uit vrije wil)

Bringer of her light

She has her own will
No one can take that away
Not me, not you
It shall always be hers

Wen I look into her eyes is see
Her will, strong and wild
Not tempered by the sound of music
That only makes her stronger

Her will is like the stars
Beautiful, full of love and brightness
The love of the stars to her
Shall make her will stronger

Not even darkness can stop this
Because there is always light
Even wen she doesn’t see it
The light shall always shine

No more pain can bring the night
Not if we love the stars
No more suffer can bring the night
Because love is the night

We are all child’s of the stars
You and me
No one can deny it
Not you, not me

Wen we see no other way
In darkness I say
Look up, wen we see no other way
The stars shall give their love

Don’t doubt
Of the ways of the stars
The stars shall give you a path
Only if you follow it

And if the stars stop watching over us
Then we are not here anymore
We shall close our eyes
And darkness surround us


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