Sunday 3 December 2006

The Empty Space

The empty space

now a time has come
full of doubt and insurance
you want to let your thoughts
to sail away

far away
to the dept of the sea
into that darkness
there when you look up you see light

light, that is hiding in your heart
not attempting to go out
it wants to stay
hidden for other lights

it's been away to long
you've lost hope
to see it again
in that empty space

but, when it not comes out
and that space remains empty
it will fill itself
with other things

things, that you've hidden
things, that you don't want that
they to come out
things, that always must be hidden

in these times
you seek power
power to seek
what you have lost
in the times therefore

but the search
that you have started
ends, when you lose hope
when you don't find the power
than it's to late
the things, you've hated, those were hidden
will come outand the empty space won't be empty anymore...

RvG 3/12/06


Suzan said...

mooi rick! Die hieronder vind ik ook erg mooi, maar hier zie je beter dat er gecomment is. keigoed en ga zo door he:P.

Daeron said...

dankje:D en ik ga zeker wel door;)
die hieronder was vast degene die over dood en oorlog enzo ging he:P dacht k al da je ie mooi zouw vinden;)

Anonymous said...

Goed zo rick!
Weer begonnen te dichten hè.
Geweldige inspiratiebronnen heb je toch weer elke keer.

Suzan said...

ja tuurlijk bedoel ik die. *argh't* die foto blijft maar op mijn profiel staan! Ik probeer die er al een week af te krijgen...want ie is echt e blij en van 3 maanden geleden...nougoed, nog steeds mooi *zie vorige comment^^*